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Playhouse - Olivia w treadmill w sound

Our architects have designed this interactive treadmill where children have to use their movement to set the wheel/drum in motion. This creates kinetic energy, which is collected in an audio kit that translates the energy into sound.
The child learns about the circular economy and about generating power, making the playhouse a setting for learning, fun play, movement and exercise, especially as the child will have to focus to keep the wheel turning. When the wheel turns, the child will have to concentrate and maybe also focus on their coordination when their friend joins the game.

The playhouse is made of larch wood with a frame of galvanised steel and a drum in oiled pine. The house is 2.3 metres high and 1.7 metres wide.
The size and material quality make the play equipment suitable for schools, nurseries and similar public outdoor spaces where multiple children come to play.

See more great playhouses here if this one wasn't quite right for you.


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