Towards a sustainable business

    Towards a sustainable business The efforts with the Sustainable Development Goals, the Global Compact principles, etc. are specified in our CSR strategy (Corporate Social Responsibility) also called 'our social responsibility'.
    For example, we strive to integrate social and environmental considerations into our business activities and to take into account our impact on the environment in our interaction with stakeholders.

    You can read the specific details of our work towards a sustainable business in our CSR policy here.

    Our sustainable strategy is based on ...

    In 2015, the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by all 193 UN member states. It was the starting point for working towards a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable development for the planet.
    By 2030, the vision is to completely eradicate poverty and hunger in the world, reduce inequalities, ensure good education and better health for all, decent jobs and more sustainable economic growth.

    The Sustainable Development Goals set an ambitious course and are a broad and important agenda for the future world community and our planet. The Sustainable Development Goals lead to a large number of values that we want to incorporate in our daily business operations, so that Elverdal's business becomes sustainable.

    Read more about the Sustainable Development Goals here.

    Global Compact and CSR

    The work on the Sustainable Development Goals cannot stand alone and should also lean on the Global Compact's 10 principles, which are the foundation for running a responsible business. The principles provide a common ethical and practical framework for corporate responsibility and are based on international conventions and agreements. For example, the OECD Guidelines, the ILO Conventions on Workers' Rights, the UN Guidelines on Human Rights and Business and the Rio Declaration are all represented in the principles.

    The 10 principles of the Global Compact

    • Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
    • Ensure that we do not contribute to human rights violations.
    • Maintain the freedom of association and effectively recognise the right to collective bargaining.
    • Support the eradication of all forms of forced labour.
    • Support effective cessation of child labour.
    • Eliminate discrimination in relation to working and employment conditions.
    • Support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
    • Take the initiative to promote greater environmental responsibility.
    • Encourage the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies.
    • Counter all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery.