Sustainable business and green transformation

    We have been building active outdoor areas for decades, and the transition to a more sustainable production is a high priority in our future strategy.
    We want a greener future, where we work wisely with solid and long-lasting materials and ambitious goals for the design and functions of the outdoor space. Our basic idea is that the playground represents a circular design.

    Our play environments must represent what we as a company strive for. That is why Elverdal has formulated guidelines for the future transformation.

    Read our Evironmental impact.

    Lire notre L'impact environnemental.

    Working towards green solutions

    Our efforts to transform our business into a sustainable business are based on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
    However, our work with the Sustainable Development Goals cannot stand alone; the 10 principles of the Global Compact must also be taken into account.
    This is the foundation of our responsible business strategy.

    We translate the global goals into very realistic, measurable and accepted goals for our own company.

    Read more about the Sustainable Development Goals, Global Compact etc. by clicking here.

    Sustainable development is a development that meets current needs, without jeopardising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.Our common future, Brundtlandrapporten. FN 1987

    From thought to action

    Many international goals and strategies overlap, so our approach is holistic.
    We formulate our own goals, we take ownership, and we contribute where we are best.

    Elverdal's sustainable transformation must include real initiatives with clear goals. We want to turn our attention to our own company and set new goals in business areas such as:

    procurement of sustainable products
    optimising production processes
    minimising waste 'upsite' residual products and
    optimising logistics.

    This is where we put into words where we can make a difference and how this relates to the Sustainable Development Goals.

    Read more here about how we work with the different Sustainable Development Goals so that Elverdal becomes a sustainable business.

    We want a greener future. We will work responsibly and wisely in Elverdal, and we have formulated guidelines for our transformation based onUN’s Sustainable Development GoalsJens Bo Thorsager, CEO Elverdal

    Want to hear more?

    Is the green transition important to you too? And would you like to hear about our sustainable business?
    Fill out the form and we will call you.

    Call me regarding Elverdal’s sustainable business