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Seesaw - two seats

A classic, traditional seesaw with two seats. The seesaw encourages social interaction between children on playgrounds, whether it is located at a rest stop, in a park (for example, near a museum), a schoolyard, or other public outdoor spaces.

The seesaw accommodates two children at a time. In addition to having fun with friends, kids are also challenged to develop their social skills. Can two children come together to play? Will they find a new playmate, and will they feel comfortable making contact? Can they figure out how to seesaw in a way that's fun for both?

If you work in a childcare setting, the seesaw also offers a great way to support the development of a child's vestibular system, which can ultimately improve their concentration. For more cautious children, the seesaw also provides an opportunity to participate socially from a distance through observation.

Designed by our in-house architects, the seesaw is crafted from robinia wood and measures 4 meters in length.


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