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Seesaw - four seats

A traditional wooden seesaw with four seats, designed for social play with friends on the playground in a park or a daycare.

If you work as an educator in a childcare setting, the seesaw offers an excellent opportunity to support a child's motor development, as it helps train their vestibular system. This system senses the movement of the head relative to gravity, helping the child with spatial orientation—understanding up, down, right, left, over, under, and spinning around. It also informs the child if they are moving or still, and it helps them gauge speed and acceleration.

The vestibular system works together with vision to provide stabilizing reference points, which is a crucial skill for children to master as they later need to concentrate in school on academic tasks. In essence, it helps improve a child's ability to concentrate.

For children who are more socially reserved, the seesaw can serve as an inclusive play tool.

Designed by our in-house architects, the seesaw is crafted from robinia wood and is 4 meters long. Two rubber tires underneath provide excellent suspension, making it suitable even for younger children to enjoy a ride.


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