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Play sculpture - recumbent barrel

Let’s play we’re at sea!
The shape of the sculpture is a barrel, which the child can balance on. This develops the child's vestibular sense and balancing ability, so the child is better able to concentrate, which leads to better learning.
The shape evokes the open sea and inspires children to use their imagination.
The play equipment is made for the themed playground, such as the playground in nurseries and other forest and nature playgrounds.

The recumbent barrel is about 30 cm high and between 60 and 90 cm long, which gives ample opportunity for several children to play together.

Our barrel is part of a series of lifelike play sculptures that also includes bears, birds, crocodiles and many more. Click here to see them all.

This single, hand-carved play sculpture is shaped and made from nature's own material - oak.
Each barrel will have a unique look.


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