Pingout - table tennis table with a social vision
Anders Find and Troels Øder Hansen are behind the design of the beautiful PingOut table tennis and the entire PingOut project. The pair founded PingOut in 2009.
Anders came up with the idea for the table tennis table after a trip to Berlin. Here he saw how the many table tennis tables in Berlin's parks had a social effect. In some of the parks, a group of older punks stayed table tennis and
helped initiate social activities that gave life to the park. He started thinking about where table tennis tables can create life and communities in the city. It would be exciting to create the same environment in Copenhagen.
The next step for Anders was to find someone to design the table. The choice fell on Troels Øder Hansen, who is also a passionate table tennis nerd and has his creative roots in street art culture.
It took only three months from Anders and Troels meeting and developing ideas until the first PingOut table tennis table was delivered.
Anders Find is a documentary filmmaker, and Troels Øder Hansen is a room and furniture designer.
PingOut has a design studio at Nørrebro in Copenhagen.
PingOut has also designed outdoor furniture in the HangOut series, which Elverdal also sells.
Anders Find and Troels Øder Hansen.
The vision for PingOut is to get people to meet in the urban space and do something together – even with people you may not already know.
This has been achieved with the table tennis tables that you can now find around Copenhagen.
On Søndre Boulevard in Vesterbro in Copenhagen, the table has been the focal point of street parties, tournaments around the table and Boulevard Cup. Or young people use it to get out and move and take a break while studying or writing their thesis.
At Mozart's Plads, you can borrow bats and balls from Monster Café and have a game on the sun-yellow PingOut table.
In London, you can find the PingOut table tennis tables at Stonebridge Gardens in Hackney.
Table tennis is a democratic activity, and when the tables become permanent fixtures in the public domain, they create a good excuse for coming out and meeting up.
Table tennis is also a sport, which means you also have to play for points and compete against each other.
In school outdoor areas or in afterschool facilities, table tennis tables provide a common activity where children can play together across age and gender. The game can also be used in outdoor lessons to practice multiplication tables or words in a different way.
At Copenhagen European School, the PingOut table tennis table is located under one of the building's overhangs, so the children can always play in dry conditions. As the school's outdoor areas are open to others, anyone after the school's closing time can go in and have a game around the table.
Consider whether there is enough space to run around the table and play comfortably Shelter is advisable so the ball doesn’t fly off.
Allow for nice seating areas close to the table.
Make sure that there is light over the table in the evening and during the darker months.
The table is 150 cm wide and 276.4 cm long.
It is available in a height of 76 cm or 91 cm.
The PingOut table is made of 10-mm galvanised steel, which is a 100% recyclable material. Steel can be melted down and used for new steel products.
The galvanisation ensures that the table lasts a long time and has a long life cycle.
The table weighs 700 kg and is therefore safe to place in an outdoor space. It won’t go anywhere!
Photos: PingOut.
The PingOut Table in 100% steel