Playground company - we create innovative outdoor spaces for play and movement
At Elverdal, we create architect-designed playgrounds and outdoor spaces that inspire play, movement, sport and community. It's in the urban spaces, in learning and experience environments and in nature that we go to meet each other and do things together.
As a playground company, we work with a wide range of clients, including architects, day-care institutions, municipalities, housing companies, associations, contractors, etc. Our job is to create multiple play values in the products and develop play landscapes for many purposes.
Some projects begin as a vision or dream of a unique outdoor space. It may also be that the site has a story that can be told through play. In Oslo, for example, we've created a playground that celebrates Norway's nature and culture.
For Bellakvarter, we designed the Bella Activity Roof to provide an active communal outdoor space for locals to train, play and meet in. The roof also meets the Bella Center’s need for an outdoor venue for its international activities. For the Nærheden district in Hedehusene, we created a nature playground that brings the wilder side of nature into the residential area.
Other projects are done in collaboration with other landscape architects. For Horsens Gågade, we developed two play areas: Aktivitetsstrøget and Kirketorvet, in collaboration with Schul Landskabsarkitekter. And in collaboration with COBE, we developed and produced play equipment for LegeHavet in Copenhagen's Nordhavn.
See more project examples under case studies on the website.
As a playground company, Elverdal was born from an idea to create playgrounds and outdoor spaces in a Nordic design, with high-quality aesthetics and play values in mind. We want to encourage movement and play that strengthens health and quality of life - and sparks curiosity.
Outdoor solutions and play equipment
Our products are designed with aesthetics and high play values in mind. Some products start as a specially designed play or outdoor play equipment, which later becomes part of our standard product range. We are constantly playing with new ideas for play equipment and designs that spark children's curiosity and desire to explore and use their bodies.
Elverdal has a strong team of architects, designers, fitters and craftsmen. We also collaborate with Nordic and international designers and architectural firms. We have extensive experience of working as part of multidisciplinary collaborations between client, architect and engineers.
As a playground company, our services include design, idea development, advice, play knowledge, planning, assembly and playground safety.
We solve needs and challenges
Elverdal designs outdoor spaces for everyday use, for schools and day-care institutions, for excursions, residential areas, training and sports areas for people of all ages, including those with special needs.
Our goal is to solve needs, challenges or create new purposes. Examplesof this could be when an urban public space needs to be designed to help usmove more, provide safe havens for teenage girls or quiet places to reflect andfind stillness in. Or to create a calm space for families with sick children tospend time together in.
The way we live and learn is changing, and new needs are emerging - cities are evolving and becoming denser, and outdoor space for exercise needsto be creatively thought into urban planning. Training areas need to be createdwhere seniors will want to come and train - more and more people want to dotheir physical training outdoors, e.g. fitness and calisthenics.
It could also be creating places for young teenagers to meet spontaneouslyand practice informal sports such as parkour. Or that the classroom is to betaken outdoors as a regular part of the school curriculum.
The good outdoor space is a free space
Elverdal bridges the gap between design of play, movement and architecture. We turn dreams and visions into solid designs and long-lasting outdoor solutions. When we collaborate with others, we
prefer an open and creative communication, such as through user involvement, workshops, sketching and inspections. For example, the children and young
people in a leisure club helped to create mood boards to visualise their expectations of the new playground we were designing.
We think that a good outdoor space is a free space designed to encourage play and movement. At the same time, it must be a safe space where you can be yourself, and which provides opportunities to engage in communities with others. We see our job as helping to give everyone the opportunity to be active and play in public spaces.