Zip wire - double steel 40m
Wherever there’s a zip wire, there’s both laughter and a few nerves. Am I brave enough to have a go? The joy of overcoming fear and releasing tension triggers adrenaline, which pumps joy through the body and is the best foundation for sound mental development.
I can do it!
More than just a zip wire….
Focus on motor development
Zip wires can have different degrees of difficulty, but common to them all is that you need good coordination to keep your balance and a good grip to prevent yourself from falling off. The zip wire is the best motorised play equipment available and is designed for schools, parks, housing associations and other public outdoor spaces.
A ride on a zip wire activates the vestibular system and the brain receives information about acceleration and maintaining a horizontal position.
The proprioceptive system tells the brain about the position and movement of body parts (the sense of kinesthesia).
When the child tenses the right muscles at the right time, they are able to maintain their balance and to complete the ride without falling into the sand below. The child practices and becomes better at controlling and coordinating their body and movements. And all of a sudden, the child no longer has to think about their bodily functions, and is therefore able to focus on other things, such as their surroundings.
This model consists of hot dip steel posts; it is a double version with a length of 40 metres. Also available as a single of 40 metres.
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