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Water Play - water play system with two channels, a basin, and a wheel

The water play system creates an exciting water journey across multiple levels. Through play, children can explore the fascinating movements and forces of water.

The system consists of two water channels, one basin, and a waterwheel, all elevated on stainless steel legs so water can flow through three levels before reaching the ground. The design offers children an engaging opportunity to direct the water’s path through the system and experience its power at different heights.

The journey begins at a water station where water enters the first channel. Here, children can choose whether the water should flow into a basin using the channel’s open-and-close mechanism. When water flows into the basin, it creates a small waterfall, giving children a tactile and sensory experience of water’s strength.

From the basin, water can be directed into the next channel, where children can once again control its flow and decide whether it should continue to the waterwheel, the system’s final destination. This conclusion gives children an understanding of how water’s force can create movement and make the wheel spin.

Measuring 384 cm in length, 81 cm in width, and 126 cm in height, the water play system provides a spacious play area where multiple children can play together at the same time. The entire system is made of stainless steel, making it ideal for outdoor playgrounds where children can experiment with the movement of water.


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