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Water play - water channels with basin and wheel in stainless steel

The water play system consists of three water channels, a waterwheel, and a basin, which together create a fun, educational, and engaging experience where children can control the flow of water and create small waterfalls.

The system starts at the first basin, where a water pump introduces water and sets the system in motion. Water flows through a channel that splits into two paths. Here, children can choose whether to direct the water into a basin or let it flow through the second channel, where it falls into a waterwheel and is then discharged from the system. Both channels are equipped with manual open-and-close mechanisms, allowing children to control the water’s direction through the system.

The water channels are mounted on stainless steel legs, elevating them above the ground and creating small waterfalls as the water cascades from the channels into the waterwheel or basin. This provides children with a tactile and visual experience of water’s movement and gravity, while also stimulating their curiosity and excitement.

The water play system measures 257 cm in length, 276 cm in width, and 110 cm in height.


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