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Water play - water channel with wheel

The water play system consists of a water pump, a water channel with a manual open-and-close mechanism, and a waterwheel that together create a simple and fun way to play with water.

To start the water play, children open the water flow at one end. As the water streams through the channel, they can control its path using the manual open-and-close mechanism. When the water is released, a small waterfall directs it to the waterwheel. The wheel starts spinning, adding a dynamic element that stimulates children’s curiosity and provides a tangible experience of how water’s force can create energy and movement.

This compact water play system is made of stainless steel and measures 281 cm in length and 42 cm in width, with a maximum height of 110 cm. Its compact size and durable materials make it ideal for smaller playgrounds in preschools, where children can play together and experiment with water’s movement.


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