Water play - tubs and trenches
Fun water play system with three trenches for the public playground e.g. in nurseries, day-care, kindergartens or at an attraction or park.
Children can use the play tool to direct the water from trench to trench and finally to the water tub.
A simple, architect-drawn water play system for playgrounds for children of all ages who want to experiment with water and its properties. Playing with water is particularly good for developing the tactile sense. The child clearly feels how difficult it is to 'grab' the water and hold on to it. This sense is important to develop as early as possible.
Put together a truly unique area for water and sand play
The water play system is so large that it can stand alone or it can also be expanded so that it constitutes a play area in itself. The equipment can be placed together with other water and sand play tools from the same series, such as, for example, Water play - several metal tubs and Water play - triple tub.