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Water play - robinia water play system XS

This water play system provides children with an exciting play universe where they can experiment and be fascinated by the movement of water. The different heights of the water basins create small waterfalls and offer a sensory experience where children can follow and influence the water's journey through the system.

The water’s journey begins in the highest basin, where water enters the system. As the basin fills, children can open a hole in the basin to let water flow into the water channel, continuing its way to the second basin further down. Here, the height difference creates a small waterfall as water is released and falls from the channel into the basin. The final basin also has an outlet opening, allowing children to release the water from the system and start the play all over again.

The system’s manual open-and-close mechanisms give children full control over the water’s flow, creating a visual and tactile experience of water’s properties. The water play system is crafted from stainless steel and robinia posts, providing a durable and aesthetically pleasing play environment for outdoor playgrounds in parks and institutions.

The water play system measures 342 cm in length, 127 cm in width, and 153 cm in height.


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