Water play - robinia water play system S
The water play system creates a fun and interactive play experience that explores the properties of water. The various basins engage children in a learning activity where they can control the water's flow from start to finish.
The water play begins with basin 1, elevated on four robinia posts. Here, children can pump water into the system using a manual water pump. From this basin, they can release the water through an opening, creating a small waterfall that flows into basin 2. In this basin, the water winds through three obstacles before continuing through an opening to basin 3, the end station of the system.
The water play system provides an environment for a small group of children to play together and explore the wonders of water. This makes it ideal for playgrounds in preschools and toddler areas in parks and other public outdoor spaces. The system is crafted from durable robinia wood and stainless steel, ensuring both long-lasting quality and low maintenance.
The system measures 234 cm in length, 317 cm in width, and 155 cm in height.