Play tower - w roof Theodor 4
Day-care centres and parks always have a playhouse and often a play tower too for the little ones. This is because children love to climb up them and to play hide and seek or role play. Playing in a play tower develops both motor and social skills.
This play tower is made of larch wood with a window and roof in a simple, Nordic design. This Theodor tower is the largest in a series of eight variants (four with a roof, four without).
The play tower goes well with other play towers in the Theodor series or with play houses in the Olivia series.
The difference between this model (no. 4) and model no. 3 is that this one has a door opening, whereas no. 3 has a window.
A purchase of this tower requires a minimum purchase of a gable for the top, middle and bottom.
Requires additional purchase of (see it in the Builder):
* Gable: Gable combination Theodor 4.
* Glass for the window to be purchased separately (note the different options).
Buying options (see them in the Builder):
* Combination with other Olivia playhouses.
* Accessories from the Olivia series.