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Obstacle course - small vines with balance bolcks

Test your balance and arm strength with this fun challenge in the obstacle course. The play equipment "vines with balance blocks" challenges users to move from one frame to the next without falling. The transition between frames is tricky, helping children practice both balance and motor skills. A fun challenge that helps children improve their abilities through play.

The small version of "vines with balance blocks" is crafted from robinia wood and stainless steel. It features a robinia post at each end and a stainless-steel crossbar, from which three stainless steel chains with robinia blocks hang as footrests.

The play equipment measures 190 cm in length, 39 cm in width, and 210 cm in height. "Vines with balance blocks" fits perfectly as an obstacle in an obstacle course or Tarzan trail. It adds plenty of fun for children on playgrounds, in after-school programs, or public outdoor spaces.


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