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Obstacle course - obstacle trail with 6 challenges

Test your motor skills and explore the challenges of the obstacle course. Children can balance and climb on equipment with varying degrees of difficulty. This creates a play area that both challenges and engages children of different ages and motor skill levels. The obstacle trail includes:

  • Balance stumps with anti-slip surface
  • Balance beam with support posts
  • Balance line with support rope
  • Climbing net with climbing ropes
  • Vines with balance blocks

The obstacles are made from robinia posts, creating a natural look and a durable playground for many years. The design forms a continuous course to keep the play going without interruptions. The obstacle trail accommodates many children at once, making it ideal for playgrounds in public spaces or institutions.

The obstacle trail measures 1151 cm in length, 206 cm in width, and 210 cm in height.


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