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Obstacle course - double somersault pole robinia

A double somersault pole is a fun piece of playground equipment that gives kids a thrill as they spin around the pole. Here they can do somersaults side by side and share the experience with each other.

The somersault poles are made of robinia poles and stainless steel. They have a simple look and a stable design. They can be used as a single element in a playground or as a challenging element in a jungle gym.

The spinning poles are designed to strengthen children's motor skills, balance and coordination while stimulating the vestibular sense - an important part of sensory-motor development. As children spin around the bars, they experience the joy of movement and build self-confidence as they explore and learn to master the somersault technique.

The play equipment measures 260 cm in length, 20 cm in width and 160 cm in height.


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