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Fitness - street workout pull-up bar

This pull-up bar is an ideal fitness tool for functional training in public spaces like parks, schools, and residential areas. It offers versatile exercise options that improve strength, stability, and body control. Suitable for all levels, from beginners to advanced athletes, it enables effective bodyweight training focused on the upper body and core.

Exercise Suggestions:

  • Pull-ups: A classic exercise where you pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar. Strengthens back, shoulders, and biceps.
  • Chin-ups: Similar to pull-ups but using an underhand grip, targeting biceps and forearms.
  • Hanging Knee Lifts: Lift your knees toward your chest in a controlled motion to strengthen core and hip flexors.

The pull-up bar is made from powder-coated steel, providing a durable, weather-resistant surface that protects against rust and corrosion. Ideal for year-round outdoor use, even in harsh weather conditions.


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