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Fitness - robinie street workout multi-tool 2

This fitness equipment is ideal for functional training in public areas such as parks, schools, and residential neighborhoods. With three parallel bars and four pull-up bars at different heights, it offers a wide range of exercise options that strengthen the entire body. Suitable for all levels, it enables versatile training to improve strength, stability, and coordination.

Exercise Suggestions:

  • Dips on Parallel Bars: Place your hands on the parallel bars, lower your body to a 90-degree angle at the elbows, and push back up to work your triceps, shoulders, and chest.
  • Australian Pull-ups: Hold onto one of the lower pull-up bars and pull your body towards the bar while keeping your feet on the ground – a great exercise to strengthen your back and biceps, particularly for beginners.
  • Push-ups on Parallel Bars: Place your hands on the bars and perform push-ups to achieve a deeper movement, intensifying your chest and shoulder workout.
  • Pull-ups on High Bars: Use the high pull-up bars for classic pull-ups that strengthen the back, shoulders, and biceps.
  • L-sit on Parallel Bars: Hold the bars and lift your legs into an L-position to train your core and hip flexors.
  • Hanging Leg Raises: Hang from one of the high bars and lift your legs towards your chest to work your core and abs.

The posts are made of robinia wood, known for its exceptional durability and suitability for ground contact.


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