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Climbing structure - climbing square in robinia

The climbing structure offers hours of fun on the playground. It is shaped like a square and filled with various climbing challenges.

The climbing square is made of robinia wood and consists of four vertical and four horizontal robinia poles, forming the frame for all the climbing obstacles. Between the poles, there is a climbing ladder, a climbing net, and climbing ropes, allowing children to climb and crawl from all angles. The nets and ropes are made of durable Taifun rope, which is also comfortable to grip. The net meshes have different sizes, making them fun and challenging to climb.

The climbing structure has a natural look with its organic robinia poles and the asymmetrical design of the climbing equipment. This makes it easy to create a playground that blends seamlessly with outdoor surroundings. The structure challenges children’s motor skills and allows their imagination to run wild as they climb and create their own play adventures.

The entire climbing structure measures 213 cm in length, 232 cm in width, and 200 cm in height.


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