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Carousel - with seats in robinia

It’s fun to spin around in a carousel, but it’s even more fun to spin together with others! This carousel is designed with seating for five people, allowing them to spin and share the experience with each other.

The carousel features a round platform with a frame made of stainless steel and a surface of durable robinia wood. A railing with seats is mounted on the platform, ensuring high safety as the carousel spins. The railing is made of stainless steel, and the seats are composed of 13 mm thick HPL plates. Together, this creates a durable, low-maintenance carousel with a natural design reflecting Nordic simplicity.

When children spin in a carousel, they train their vestibular system—also known as the balance sense. This sense is closely linked to vision and helps children maintain balance and orient themselves, knowing whether they are upright, upside down, spinning, or moving fast or slow. It’s a vital sense to develop—so why not train it with a spin on the carousel?


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