Carousel - sit steel
This carousel is designed in Denmark and made in Germany.
It is made of a double-layered, glass-blown AISI304 stainless steel, where the turning mechanism has low friction with maintenance-free bearings. The carousel measures 0.8 metres in height and 1 metre in diameter.
The play equipment is EN 1176-approved for use in public areas. This means that the carousel is suitable for park and rest areas, housing associations and similar outdoor spaces.
The material provides a simple, stylish look.
Dizzy from play!
Kids love playing on carousels - we get this. You can play together or on your own, you can go fast or slow - the options are endless. That’s why most playgrounds have a carousel.
And it's not just for having fun on - they also develop the child's basic motor skills and this applies to both the tactile sense and the vestibular sense.
The wood absorbs the warmth of the sun’s rays, while rain on a rainy day will cause the water to flow between little toes.
Carousels, however, are best known for strengthening the vestibular sense, also known as the sense of balance.
Spinning around gives the child a sense of rhythm and timing in relation to their body’s movement. They get to strengthen their balance and their improved body control boosts their self-esteem. And research shows that this results in them having more energy to focus on other activities such as school work.
If this one wasn’t quite right for you, we have other carousels available. See them all here on carousels.