Parken Måsen - communities and activities for the locals
Parken Måsen is located in the Stockholm suburb of Fagersjö by Magelungen lake. Elverdal has designed the playground with opportunities for climbing, sand play and a ball pitch for the park, which has been renovated as part of the roject Et Groenare Stockholm. An effort to develop more green, recreational areas in the city (2017-22).
Stockholm Municipality wanted the park to become a vibrant place that would generate activities and communities for both children and adults in Fagersjö. And the playground and the park itself also had to provide a green excursion destination for everyone. Around Magelungen lake you can now either walk or cycle a 5K route, where the playground can serve as a place to stop for a break, enjoy a snack and where children can play.
Involve the local community
In order to involve Fagersjö residents in the park renovation, Stockholm Municipality held an extensive user involvement process in order to hear from as many people as possible about which activities they wanted the park to include.
When the aim of the outdoor space is to encourage people to come outdoors and use it, the design should offer a variety of play, movement and resting options relevant to both children and adults of all ages.
The playground is located in a corner of the park as an extension of the local school. It was therefore obvious for the playground to also be used by the school. Today, it is a managed playground, where the staff makes sure to put out bikes and play equipment. This helps to make the playground a safe and lively place.
Climbing in pastel colours
The playground is divided into two areas with a play area for the little ones with sand games and one for the slightly older children with climbing and balance games.
The large climbing facility is specially designed for Parken Måsen. The colours used are clear pastels and match the colours of the spring flowers. They signal joy, hope, balance and peace. The painted posts make the climbing equipment
visible from a distance, without seeming too massive. When we work with colours, we focus on ensuring they fit into the surroundings and having a function.
Together with a round balance track, the climbing equipment forms an entire obstacle course offering multiple motor challenges. Here the children can climb, crawl over nets, balance, slide, walk, hang and swing.
The playground's many play values allow the children to move their bodies in different ways. This develops coordination ability, balance and muscle strength.
When we design climbing equipment, we think about the children's age groups and needs. The slightly older children still need to be challenged. Something they can grow with through play. For example, it can be difficult to climb over
ladders and slide down the slide bars for the little ones. It also allows the children to learn from each other and to help each other.
The climbing equipment is connected to the balance track so that play can go around in a circle in a game of catch or ‘don’t touch the ground’.
For those who want to play ball, next to the playground is a ball pitch made of oak sleepers.
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