Play, reflection and community in Horsens pedestrian street

    Urban spaces are also places we like to spend time in, whether to play, move around or to just stop and reflect on life. They're not just streets to be moved through at speed.

    For Horsen's pedestrian street, in cooperation with Schul Landskabsarkitekter, we have designed and created two areas that are both active and peaceful: Aktivitetsstrøget and Kirketorvet.

    In both areas, we have used attractive, long-lasting material, which blend with the surroundings:
    Mahogany and brass.

    Architect Lene Holmgaard, Horsens Municipality on the collaboration:

    “The cooperation with Elverdal was dynamic throughout the entire process and resulted in a definitive project that has brought sculptural play value and life to Horsen's pedestrian street.

    The close communication between the advisor and Elverdal provided a balance in which Elverdal's expertise played with the experiences that the builder and advisor wanted for the project.

    A rewarding collaboration, with development and sparring throughout the process, which we have been delighted with”.

    From pedestrian street to a street to spend time in

    Schul Landscape Architects were tasked with transforming Horsens' pedestrian street.

    Customer: Horsens Municipality.

    Aktivitetsstrøget in Søndergade

    The desire was to create a special area in the middle of the pedestrian street that would spark curiosity in both children and adults. The elements therefore encourage interaction. And when people interact with them, multiple layers of play unfold, involving movement, speech (sound) and light.

    The area encourages a sense of community and being together across age and physical ability. It is divided into two zones:

    - A jumping zone with round trampolines that flash with an LED flashlight when you jump on them. Under the edge of the trampolines is a light — a security light that ensures that you don't overlook the trampolines when it gets dark

    - A maze of mouthpieces, tilting benches and light stands with movement sensors. All parts are connected via tactile rubber stripes in the rubber coating, leaving it up to visitors to find out which mouthpieces are connected to each other. Meanwhile, the rounded rubber stripes also encourage you to practice balancing.

    Colour-wise, the Aktivitetsstrøget is muted and the scale follows the long narrow pedestrian street.


    By the church of Vor Frue Kirke, there was a desire to create a space for both play and reflection, which blended with the historical surroundings. The space’s circular shape has a simple aesthetic, with equipment and outdoor furniture in high-quality materials.

    In the centre is a large, elegant turntable, perfect for many hours of play for both young and old. A wide circular bench encircles the play area as a sculptural living element, making the space a place for both children and adults, activity and community. The bench also has security lights along the edge.

    Around the turntable are rotating funfair mirrors, where both young and old can have fun watching each other change shape and seeing each other’s reflections in the urban environment.

    The materials used are mahogany and brass, while the bottom of the bench is corten steel.


    Light stands with tilting seats and mouthpieces
    Balance tops and pipes
    Trampolines with LED lights
    A course of mouthpieces
    Greyish rubber coating with white tactile lines

    Rotating square funfair mirrors on columns with mahogany trim
    Wide circular bench with escalations
    The Dish - carousel, diameter of 2 metres, in mahogany and brass
    Some of the equipment has
    been custom designed

    Horsens gågade, Søndergade and Kirketorvet

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