Swing - saddle oak 1 seat h 1.6m
A swing set is often a very popular play item in the playground, guaranteed to make children laugh. And swinging isn’t just about the fun. It also strengthens children’s motor skills and improves their sense of space.
Better motor skills strengthens the ability to concentrate and makes the child better able to focus on learning. Whether on verb conjugations or times tables.
See all the play equipment's play values on the website and read more about play values, the child's motor development, etc. by clicking here.
A saddle swing is suitable for a wide age group, as the swing's seat shapes itself to the user.
Ideal for children of both nursery and school age, and in playgrounds in parks, shopping malls and larger public spaces.
Our saddle swing is architect-designed in oak wood, and our swings and frames comply with the playground standard EN1176.