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Play sculpture – the mountain 2 m stainless steel

The play sculpture combines play value and aesthetics in public outdoor spaces. The hemisphere creates an impressive sight that immediately tempts children and playful souls to climb the "mountain." The large play sculpture measures 200 cm in width and 100 cm in height, providing opportunities for creative play and motor exploration. Who will be the first to reach the top? And how will they come down?

The play sculpture allows multiple children to play together. Here, they can climb, balance, look out over the playground from the mountain's peak, and slide down the smooth surface. In doing so, children learn to master body movements and form social bonds as they explore the many play opportunities the sculpture offers.

The design is sleek with its soft curved shape and smooth stainless steel surface. The play sculpture functions as a beautiful and functional design element that invites play and physical activity. Its robust construction and durable material make it suitable for parks, schools, and urban environments.

The play sculpture is cast into the ground, creating a safe play area where children can thrive. The sculpture is also available in two smaller sizes.


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