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Outdoor furniture - outdoor kitchen l 2.6m

Beautiful, simple outdoor kitchen and furniture designed for public playgrounds such as in nurseries, with space for both children and adults.
The kitchen is architect-designed in oak with a tricoya worktop. Tricoya is similar to MDF, but the tricoya has a quality that lasts in both sun and sleet. The sheet is 18 mm thick and painted grey.
This ensures extra durability.
The kitchen is built with mouldings under the worktop, allowing you to place standard baking trays here.
The selected materials make the kitchen suitable for nurseries, housing associations and similar public outdoor spaces.

An outdoor kitchen will create space for shared games for children, and this model is also for children of several age groups, where children can play and develop their tactile sense.

We have several models where this one is 2.6 metres long, and 0.5 metres and 0.8 metres high respectively.
Look under sandpits to see more options in this play equipment category.


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