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Obstacle course - large climbing course

This large obstacle course is packed with challenges and has high play value. It is designed as a sequence of two interconnected squares, where one obstacle seamlessly transitions to the next. This creates a fun play universe where activity continues without interruption. Children can play together and develop both motor and social skills through various activities, such as "the floor is lava," tag, or simply climbing.

The obstacle course features eight sections with the following challenges:

  • A climbing net shaped like a spider web
  • A twisted rope ladder hanging horizontally
  • A wide rope ladder hanging horizontally
  • Climbing ropes with small climbing stones
  • A climbing/hanging bridge for balance walking
  • Combined balance line and grips for monkey bar play
  • Lianas with balance blocks for balance play
  • A climbing/crawling tube for balance walking

The large size of the obstacle course allows many children to be active at the same time. The various obstacles can be tackled in numerous ways, encouraging creative play and skill testing.
The entire course is built with steel posts connecting the different climbing challenges. The steel posts have colorful tops that bring vibrancy to the playground. The obstacles are made from durable materials like taifun rope, ensuring long-lasting use and high play value for many children.

The obstacle course measures 892 cm in length, 455 cm in width, and up to 285 cm in height.


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